

Googling one's self

Sounds kind of dirty doesn't it?

It's interesting what you come up with. I'm glad to see that I am actually on top of the list, from when I used to be a contributor on What is rather startling to see, not to mention a little unnerving, is the fact that I am also the main character of a gay horror movie! I'm also a 27th round drafted rookie pitcher for the Dodgers - so that kind of evens out... It's also appears that I am an MBA student. Gosh, I've even reverted back to my teenage poet phase. It also appears that I have something to do with robots - now that's damn cool!

I am also, among other things: a first lieutenant in the Army, a chiropracter, someone who ran a 5K in 20:12 (is that good?), a swimmer in college, someone in the Marine Corps who's involved with Campus Crusades...

After 20 pages of results all I was finding was results with my first and last name somewhere in the same sentence.

Have you ever googled yourself and found something odd and exciting? Tell me!


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