


Talk about irony in action... isn't this something akin to Charles Manson becoming CEO of a home security firm?


Googling one's self

Sounds kind of dirty doesn't it?

It's interesting what you come up with. I'm glad to see that I am actually on top of the list, from when I used to be a contributor on What is rather startling to see, not to mention a little unnerving, is the fact that I am also the main character of a gay horror movie! I'm also a 27th round drafted rookie pitcher for the Dodgers - so that kind of evens out... It's also appears that I am an MBA student. Gosh, I've even reverted back to my teenage poet phase. It also appears that I have something to do with robots - now that's damn cool!

I am also, among other things: a first lieutenant in the Army, a chiropracter, someone who ran a 5K in 20:12 (is that good?), a swimmer in college, someone in the Marine Corps who's involved with Campus Crusades...

After 20 pages of results all I was finding was results with my first and last name somewhere in the same sentence.

Have you ever googled yourself and found something odd and exciting? Tell me!


A bad day...

Today started off bad and just got progressively worse. I degenerated to the point at work where people wouldn't even come near me. I was a complete and utter grouch.

I'm usually very easy going and pleasant (honest - it's true!) But today, I had absolutely no patience with anyone's stupidity and had no problem letting anyone who wanted to know.

I am just feeling stretched very, very thin. I am not getting the help that I need at work and school has been a bit stressful. That's due to my own procastinating, but we won't go there. I have next week off from school, so I've got two weeks to come up with a rough draft for my essay on No Telephone to Heaven. Hopefully, I won't wait until two days before it's due like I usually do.


Herein lies the problem

It is so easy to write in a blog that it is easy to neglect the damn thing as well. You find something new and interesting that you want to link to, or some interesting little tidbit of information in your email that you want to share - whatever it may be - and think to yourself, "I'll just do it later." But later never really comes. There are other things to do: that novel you have to read for Lit/Comp, the deep fried grits recipe you've been dying to try, the hours to devour playing Final Fantasy VII (again)...

Real life goes on and you feel compelled to record it in your virtual life on line. Kinda... There's just too much going on right now: having to meet with your advisor to add the graphic design certificate to your liberal arts degree, OMG the catfish is almost done, where the hell did lay my wallet down?

Soon you begin to have some strange form of "buyer's remorse." Why on earth did I ever start this thing? When did I think I would find the time to keep up with this damn thing? And it's so much worse when you actually own a domain name and are paying for server space somewhere. That was the deal with I loved having my own domain - my own little digital sandbox to play in. But it was an expensive plaything - more so back then than it is now a days. And it gets to the point sometimes where it just seems way to frivolous to have a vanity domain.

...did I mention that I was thinking about registering again?


I'm glad I didn't vote for him

Am I actually living in a country where the president is fighting against a law banning torture?


In Other News

I have opened an account at flickr. Ungh... digital camera, good!

It bothers me...

...that my 18-year old daughter does not plan on voting, knows nothing about the ideological issues that separate Democrats from Republicans or liberals from conservatives. It's not just her, though. None of her friends seem to care either.

When I was her age, I was going to anti-nuclear rallies, had a grasp on the issues (or at least I thought I did). I was involved, I participated.

Sadly, it's not just my daughter. It's my coworkers, my fellow students. People just don't seem to care as much as they used to.

Well, at least I'll be at the polls on Tuesday, even if no one else in my family will be.


Crappy end to a crappy week...

It was a really rough week at work. There are three people who work in the office, myself included, and I am the only one who works there full time. The other two are actually phlebotomists who help out. Well, one of them was on vacation this week so our already stretched thin department got stretched just a little thinner. I love my job, I really do. I enjoy what I do. But this week could not end soon enough. I didn't even get a chance to take a lunch break all week - ate at my desk instead. As it was, I barely had a chance to go to the bathroom.

I was hoping to end the week on a high note by going to a Phi Theta Kappa function at school tonight. I've been a member for quite a while and have never even been to a meeting. I didn't even make it to my own induction ceremony. So, I was looking forward to meeting some new people, maybe make a couple of connections with people in school. (I really do not have any friends - my social life would make you cry.) Instead, I just sort of sat around, unsure who to approach, who of the students in attendance went to my school. I sat there for almost a half hour and not one person approached me, introduced themselves... I know it's partially my fault - I really didn't put much forth of an effort. But you'd think someone would say something to me, even "Hello" at least.


So, I got up and left.

I went home, watched a couple of movies and ate some take-out from 99. It was a much more enjoyable experience, even if it was a tad anti-social.


I have come to the conclusion that HTML and CSS make my head hurt. It's been, wow! at least 5 years since I worked at priceline. I guess it's just like anything else: if you don't use it all the time, it gets rusty.

I'm going to go use my pillow now...


And so it starts...

I've always been a bit reluctant to go the route of instant web publishing. Here at blogger or at my friend Steve's excellent site, diary-x. I've always enjoyed creating the packaging more than creating the contents and when I used to have my site,, I would redesign and redesign and redesign and not really much else. Content was an afterthought. Sometimes I would blog or create fun little applications or visual pieces - but that's as far as it went.

So... This is something a little different. While I want to make sure that my design ideas are still okay and that I can still hack my way through HTML and CSS, I want to avoid that being the end all / be all of this "project" for lack of a better word.

Therefore, I hereby and now pledge to try and make a concerted effort to use my brain, think about things that happen around me and actually comment on them here.

Wish me luck.